Thursday, March 31, 2011

Well that's no good...

I recently had this e-mail passed on to me and unfortunately it does not have much cheer to bring...

"Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Recently, what started as a disturbing rumor, became an alarming fact. Corporate giant, Inergy, LP of Kansas City, Missouri, revealed plans to store huge volumes of LPG (liquid petroleum gas) in underground salt caverns and construct a giant 14 acre open brine pit, all right next to Seneca Lake. The letter from Joseph Campbell at the beginning of this newsletter speaks to this. The company's own web site describes this project as being part of their overall strategy to take advantage of massive drilling in the Marcellus shale and, "to make The Finger Lakes the gas storage and transportation hub for the Northeast United States".

This special edition of the Crooked Lake Keeper is posted so that our neighbors may become aware of this impending abomination before it becomes a "done deal." We invite both your awareness and consideration in taking the following action steps ...

1. Attend the informational forum: "Seneca at a Crossroads". Watkins Glen High School Auditorium. Thursday, April 14th from 7-9 pm.

2. Write a letter expressing your views, Use the template provided or, for more impact, write your own.

*Letter to the editor The Corning Leader-34 West Pulteney St. Corning, NY 14830

The Elmira Star Gazette-PO Box 285 Elmira, NY 14902

The Dundee Observer, Review and Express-45 Water St. Dundee, NY 14837

The Finger Lakes Times-218 Genesee St. Geneva, NY 14456

3. Letters to local elected officials-Find names and addresses on the attached Citizens Sample letter.

4. Go to Sign the petition, join the listserve, sign up for emails, Forward this newsletter to everyone on your email list, "Like" us on facebook. Help make this issue go "Viral".

5. Download and print the flyer and post it everywhere!!

Inergy's plans will devastate the Seneca Lake and Watkins Glen areas, and by extension, the rest of the Finger Lakes as well. What has been a wonderful region for recreation, tourism, agriculture and quiet rural living runs the risk of becoming a distant memory due to the greed of an out-of-state company. Please consider taking action now before it is too late.

Thank you,

Joe Hoff

KCAH Chairman

I don't know about you, but I think fracking is bad enough, but then to make our major source of freshwater the NE headquarters for storage is just terrible. Hydrofracking is one of those frustrating subjects, where you want to shout "what don't you get about dangerous chemicals and crust disruption that burns more fuel than it produces?" Though sometimes we may not want to say that quite so succinctly and...well, with a few profanities thrown in. I really don't think enough people understand that this is a decade of drilling for approximately a years worth of natural gas. They get confused, because natural gas is supposed to be one of the "better" environmental options below alternative power like solar and wind. People are also being told they have the potential to earn money by selling their land. When you are trying to send a kid to college and maintain a household, that might sound like a good enough incentive. Unfortunately for those people, they could not only have their land shattered but come out of the deal with literally pennies in compensation if their land doesn't produce. Thats some depressing stuff right there...

I also think it is even worse that the man behind this operation is from Missouri. It's a lot easier to contaminate peoples drinking water when they are far away I suppose. So far though, we are doing pretty good at fighting off fracking, but now we, as a community, need to step up our game. If anyone would like flyer, the sample letter, or the newsletter that came attached with this, you can send me (Intern Ashley Benning) an e-mail at

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